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U of U Writing Class for SLCC Students

SLCC students, are you planning to transfer to the U? Did you complete ENGL 2010 with a C- or better? Do you wonder what kinds of writing you’ll do in your major? Do you want an upper-division (3000 level) class?  If IF the answer to these questions is "yes", then consider taking, Writing 3020, Write4U this summer.

    •  For SLCC students in any major who plan to transfer to the U. You do not need to be admitted to the U to participate.
    • Reduced-tuition ($450) with full scholarships available for all students with financial need (scholarships available for any students who say they have need-- no FAFSA required)
    • Students spend the summer investigating what reading and writing look like in their intended major and career field
    • Fulfills the U's upper-division Communication and Writing (CW) requirement.
    • Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6-7:30pm, May 19-August 3 on the SLCC Redwood Campus.
    • Contact U professor Christie Toth at: for more information or to register for the class.


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Last Updated: 12/4/23